
08/11/2022 A virtual factory for testing the skills of inspecting the production of medicines was presented at the 7th International Congress Russia — Nicaragua A VR product for honing skills in inspecting pharmaceutical production for compliance with GMP standards...

27/10/2022 Director of the FSI “SID & GP” of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia took part in the Russia-Nicaragua International Congress The 7th Russia-Nicaragua International Congress kicked off in Managua, Nicaragua, on the 26th of October....

22/09/2022 Radiopharmaceutical industry: Development prospects Representatives of regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical market experts talked about prospects for development of the...

21/09/2022 International regulatory convergence discussed in India Vladislav Shestakov, Director of the FSI “State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices” of the...

16/09/2022 Regulation should be a two-way road Representatives of various regulatory agencies spoke at the VII All-Russian GMP Conference with international participation...

15/09/2022 Vesti Irkutsk “VII All-Russian GMP Conference took place in Irkutsk” The VII All-Russian GMP Conference with international participation was held in Irkutsk. The Conference has...

07/09/2022 The VII All-Russian GMP Conference with international participation kicks off in Irkutsk This year’s Conference tagline is “GxP: Unity of Approaches to Good Quality” Here is the...

31/08/2022 Experts from 25 countries will participate in the GMP Conference 2022 The VII All-Russian GMP Conference with international participation to be held on September 7-8 in...

24/08/2022 Unity of Approaches to the Good Quality: Main Themes in the Spotlight of the 2022 GMP Conference Business Agenda On September 7-8, the city of Irkutsk will host the VII All-Russian GMP Conference with...

07/07/2022 The traditional workshop at the GMP Conference to be held as a game-based quest An extensive workshop on good manufacturing practice and GMP inspections will take place on September...

06/07/2022 Revised Guidelines on Data Integrity and Validation of Computerised Systems Moscow, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) working group on common approaches to pharmaceutical regulation within...

01/07/2022 Experience of Independent Examination in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing July 1st, the III annual GLP-Planet Conference on Good Laboratory Practice was held in Saint-Petersburg...