Site map
- About Institute
- Center of good engineering practices
- Contacts
- Documents
- Drugs labeling
- Fighting Corruption
- Anti-corruption expertise
- Commission on the compliance with requirements for professional conduct and conflict of interest resolution
- Feedback for messages related to the corruption facts
- Forms of the documents connected with anti-corruption for filling
- Information on income, expenses, property and property-related obligations
- Methodical material
- Normative legal and other acts in the field of anti-corruption
- Frequently asked questions
- GxP News
- Helpline for the pharmaceutical industry
- History
- Home page
- Industry Analytics Center
- Analysis of the competitive environment and guidelines for the company’s products promotion strategy
- Development of the Company’s Portfolio (R&D)
- Expert determination of differences in parameters as per the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No.1135
- Identification of partners for contract and licensed manufacturing
- Implementation of projects using artificial intelligence
- Maximum sales prices for vital and essential medicines
- Russian Federation Exports
- Inspectorate
- List of documents
- Medical activities
- Message from Director
- Monitoring of industry markets and government programs
- Payment details
- Press center
- Publications
- Quality management system
- Site map
- The presentation of the opening of the Eurasian Department ISPE under the educational conference «Efficient pharmaceutical manufacturing. Regulatory issues, latest technologies»
- Useful links
- Laboratory for the development of dosage forms
- Laboratory of analytical research methods