Archive for 2018 year

17/05/2018 Delegation of the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices took part in the Russian Pharmaceutical Forum in St. Petersburg On May 15-16, 2018, a delegation of the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices...

17/05/2018 The winner of the contest for the best symbol of GMP-conference was awarded May 14, 2018 the ceremony of awarding the winner of the contest for the best...

14/05/2018 Creation of an Industry Data Integrity Guide The Federal State Institution “The State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices” together with the...

08/05/2018 On May 3, 2018, Illarion Boyko was appointed as Deputy Director for Science Illarion Boyko previous held position of Director of the Commerce and Logistics of “Veropharm”. In...

26/04/2018 2nd Pharmaceutical HR conference held in Moscow 2nd Pharmaceutical HR conference dedicated to ‘Lack of skilled personnel in the pharmaceutical industry. Searching...

26/04/2018 Vladislav Shestakov visited Belgium at the invitation of the Eurasian Communication Center Brussels, April 25. Mr. Vladislav Shestakov, Director of the State Institute of Drugs and Good...

16/04/2018 Scale and knowledge – the symbol for the All-Russian GMP-conference is chosen Throughout March, representatives of various professions, from designers to engineers, competed among themselves in the...

14/04/2018 Participation in the IPhEB – the International Exhibition on Pharmaceuticals, Engineering and Biotechnology Vladimir Orlov, Deputy Head of the department of scientific and methodological work and training of...

12/04/2018 Participation in the 10th AIPM Scientific-Practical Conference The X Scientific-Practical Conference “State Regulation and the Russian Pharmaceutical Industry 2018: the continuation of...

11/04/2018 Participation in the opening of a new production line of the full localization cycle in Belgorod The new production line for the full cycle of the Abbott drug localization was introduced...

06/04/2018 Russian GMP-inspectorate to visit Japan for the first time April 2-4, 2018 the first visit of the Russian Inspectorate for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)...

03/04/2018 Welcome to participate in the second All-Russia Pharmaceutical HR-Conference On April 25, 2018 the Second All-Russia Pharmaceutical HRConference «Shortage of qualified personnel in pharmaceutical...