
19/05/2021 The acceptance of applications for the contest for the best symbol of the GxP Academy is ending For almost a month now, there has been a collection of applications for the development...

30/04/2021 Leading world regulatory agencies discussed the future of remote GMP inspections at ISPE Global Pharmaceutical Regulatory Summit On April 28 a global ISPE summit on pharmaceutical regulation was held. In the summit’s...

29/04/2021 Competition announcement for the best symbol of the GxP Academy During the grand opening of the Eurasian Academy of Good Practices on 22 April 2021...

28/04/2021 The National scientific center for pharmaceutical evaluation and projects expertise was established on the basis of FSI “SID&GP” The National scientific center for pharmaceutical evaluation and projects expertise in the field of medical...

27/04/2021 The Eurasian Academy of Good Practices will host the first GxP-Fest The international festival for undergraduate and graduate students – future specialists in the pharmaceutical industry...

23/04/2021 The Opening of the GxP Academy unites regulators from the EAEU countries. On 22 April 2021 in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation,...

23/04/2021 The Cooperation agreement signing took place between FSI “State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices” and Institute for Medicines and Medical Devices of Montenegro On April 23rd, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between the State Institute of Drugs and...

22/04/2021 PIC/S appoints an Audit Team to consider application from Russia On 20—21 April a Committee meeting of PIC/S (Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme) took place, in...

14/04/2021 Russian GMP-inspectorate. Five years of guarding quality This year the Russian GMP inspectorate marks its 5th Anniversary. On 12 April 2016, the...

31/03/2021 On 30 March 2021 FSI “SID & GP” and Ministry of the People’s Power for Health of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela signed a cooperation agreement On the 30th of March in Caracas, Venezuela, within the framework of the meeting of...

30/03/2021 Continuity of GxP – for the benefit of nations’ health On 22 April 2021 in Moscow there will be an opening ceremony of the Eurasian...

18/03/2021 Experts discussed the development potential of the pharmaceutical industry in the light of Pharma-2030 strategy In the framework of “Pharma-2030 Strategy: renewal effect” session of the international conference “Pharma Business...