
14/02/2019 The inspection of the foreign pharmaceutical company registering its drug product in Kazakhstan was carried out by the Russian Inspectorate In Sochi, within the «Healthy Life. On the Way to Target 80+» Forum, a session...

13/02/2019 157 license holders out of 189 manufacturing sites have received a GMP-certificate following the procedure of filing an application In anticipation of the Russian Investment Forum, today, in Sochi, the Healthy Life Forum has...

12/02/2019 Giuseppe Fedegari: «The shortcut to training: working with people who already have the experience» Today, a 3-day training workshop for experts of the pharmaceutical inspectorate with international participation has...

08/02/2019 FSI «SID & GP» is holding a training workshop with international participation for pharmaceutical inspectors From 12 to 14 February, 2019, the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices together...

08/02/2019 On 07 February, a new solids manufacturing facility was launched by the «Obolenskoe» Pharmaceutical Enterprise On 07 February, in the Moscow region, the formal opening of a new facility of...

06/02/2019 A regular educational course for pharmaceutical inspectors is taking place at FSI «SID & GP» On 04 February, 2019, the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices started a regular...

06/02/2019 The Director of FSI «SID & GP» Mr. Vladislav Shestakov took part in the Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia) Forum On 06 February, the XI Delovaya Rossiya Forum was held. It was dedicated to the...

05/02/2019 During an open expert-advisory workshop, experts and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry discussed the issues of risk analysis in planning of validation activities in manufacture At the end of January, FSI «SID & GP» and the Pharmstrategy company held a...

29/01/2019 Russian and British regulators signed a Memorandum on Cooperation in carrying-out drug manufacture inspections During the business meeting in London between the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices...

29/01/2019 FSI “SID & GP” and Pharmstrategy, LTD., within the joint program of promoting implementation of the best practices in the russian pharmaceutical industry, will hold an open expert-advisory workshop on the topic: “Risk analysis in elaboration of environmental monitoring programs” The purpose of the environmental monitoring program is to prove acceptability of the required drug...

28/01/2019 Representatives of the pharmaceutical industry discussed the issues of labeling and serialization at the opening of the demonstration and training center On 28 January, in Moscow, the demonstration and training center ACG Experience Studio was opened...

08/01/2019 SID & GP is setting sights on GEP? Making a speech at the workshop in Minpromtorg of Russia, the Director of SID &...