Archive for 2018 year

24/10/2018 Issues of mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed by representatives of FSI «SID & GP» and colleagues from GE Healthcare Life Sciences On 24 October, the representatives of the Federal State-funded Institution «State Institute of Drugs and...

24/10/2018 The issues of Russian legislation harmonization with EAEU law were discussed by the participants of the round-table discussion on the topic «Regulatory environment of drug manufacture-related cooperation» On 23 October, the Director of FSI «State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices» Mr....

22/10/2018 An open expert-advisory workshop on the topic «Computerized systems validation. Maintenance of their validated status» to be held on 15-16 November, 2018 Within the joint program of promoting implementation of the best practices in the Russian pharmaceutical...

18/10/2018 An open expert-advisory workshop on the topic «Water-treatment in pharmaceutical production in view of up-to-date regulatory requirements and trends» to be held on 8-9 November, 2018 Within the program of promoting implementation of the best practices in the Russian pharmaceutical industry,...

17/10/2018 Representatives of FSI «State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices» took part in the GEP-Russia International Conference in Moscow On October 16, representatives of FSI «State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices» took part...

17/10/2018 Delegates of FSI «SID & GP» of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia with an official visit to Singapore towards experience sharing On October 17, delegates of the Federal State-funded Institution «State Institute of Drugs and Good...

16/10/2018 Inspectors of the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices participated in a mock GMP inspection On October 8 and 9, inspectors of the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices...

15/10/2018 Director of State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices congratulated the Sechenov University on their jubilee On October 12, the First Moscow State Medical University named after IM Sechenov celebrated its...

10/10/2018 PharmMedCirculation 2018 Conference: State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices presented results overview following inspections of foreign pharmaceutical manufactures Mr. Vladislav Shestakov, Director of the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices of the...

03/10/2018 State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices presented dynamics of pharmaceutical and medical industry in the Moscow region in 2015-2018 at scientific conference in Dubna On October 2, 2018, the Dubna Special Economic Zone hosted a conference to support the...

01/10/2018 Anna Plesovskikh appointed to head joint pharmaceutical portal PharmaPharm On October 1, 2018, Anna Plesovskikh left the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices of the Russian Ministry of...

28/09/2018 State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices took part in PIC/S Committee meeting The PIC/S Committee convened in Chicago, IL, on September 24-25, 2018. Tatyana Nikolko, Deputy Head...