Archive for 2016 year

09/12/2016 Exhibition “Pharmtech & Ingredients” is opened! 22-25 November 2016 in “MVC “Crocus Expo” takes place pharmaceutical exhibition “Pharmtech & Ingredients.” The...

09/12/2016 Vladislav Shestakov visited the Republic of Belarus Director of FSI “State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices” Vladislav Shestakov made a report on Exhibition of Indian manufacturers EXPO-CUM-BSM. On 28th of November, 2016 in Moscow was opened an exhibition of Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers....

09/12/2016 Vladislav Shestakov visited the Republic of Belarus December 1-2, 2016 Director of Federal State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices, Deputy Head...

06/12/2016 Inspectors of the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices of FSI “GILS and NP” raise their qualifications in proper distribution practices The members of the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices, inspecting foreign production sites...

02/11/2016 Vladislav Shestakov took part in the meeting with the business mission from China

02/11/2016 Владислав Шестаков принял участие в саммите «PHARMASTRATEGIES» – 2016 3-4 октября в Москве прошёл саммит «Rharmastrategies- 2016». В рамках саммита состоялась VIII Международная...

02/11/2016 Vladislav Shestakov took part in the conference «Legal issues of the pharmaceutical industry», organized by «The Moscow Times»

19/10/2016 Webinar October 28, 2016 «The Rules of organization and production quality control of medical gases»

19/10/2016 Vladislav Shestakov took part in the signing of the agreement on GMP inspections of pharmaceutical manufacturers from the Russian Federation

19/10/2016 Vladislav Shestakov spoke at the opening of the conference GEP-Russia

19/10/2016 The seminar 26-27 October 2016, «Good laboratory practice for microbiological laboratories. Validation of microbiological methods of quality control of drugs»

19/10/2016 In Yaroslavl ended the work of the first national GMP conference