
13/01/2021 Russia applies for PIC/S membership Geneva, 13 January 2021: On 22 December 2020, the Competent Authorities of the Russian Federation...

09/06/2020 Regulator Develops Remote Inspection Process Due to Pandemic An article by Vladislav Shestakov, Russian State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices, and Elizabeth...

05/03/2020 Analytics from the FSI «SID & GP» In the Arabic issue of GMP News, published analytical material from the FSI «SID &...

05/03/2020 Organization and Procedure for Inspections of Foreign Manufacturers In the Arabic issue of GMP News, published material about the rules and principles for...

30/01/2020 Press release: PIC/S Meetings in Toyama (Japan) From 11 to 15 November 2019, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) and...

01/11/2019 GMP News: The GMP Inspectorate in Russia: FSI SID & GP is the authority for conducting GMP inspections of foreign medicine manufacturers The GMP inspectorate in Russia within the system for regulation of medicines is a quite...

16/10/2019 GMP News: Organisation and procedure for inspections of foreign manufacturers The mandatory inspection for compliance with the rules of good manufacturing practice (GMP) of a...

17/09/2019 GMP News: New NAO Severnaya Zvezda manufacturing facility St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast are traditionally among Russia’s leaders in pharmaceutical production in...

11/09/2019 GMP News: GMP Conference: The Main Event in the Russian Pharmaceutical Market From 23-25 September, the wide-ranging Fourth All-Russia Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Conference took place, with...

31/01/2019 Radio Sputnik: «There were no obstacles despite political tensions» On January 29, the UK and Russia have signed a memorandum of understanding enhancing cooperation...

25/05/2018 From April 16 through 22, inspectors of the State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices conducted the first in Russia WHO GLO training course for GMP-inspectors Please enjoy an evaluation video summarizing WHO GLO training course for GMP inspectors that was...

16/05/2018 Lapses in Global GMP compliance and enforcement. Impact on FPPs The article provides a brief overview of the scope of responsibility of Regulatory Authorities whose...