Message from Director
Vladislav Shestakov
Director of FSI «SID and GP»
Dear colleagues!
I am glad to welcome you at the website of Federal State Institution “State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices”.
During the decades of its existence, our Institute has always been one of the leading scientific institutions of the country in the fields of research and development as well as creation of industrial manufacturing in the pharmaceutical sphere.
This is why the Institute was chosen as a specialized state institution for carrying out audits, and – further – inspections of pharmaceutical enterprises on compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices.
FSI “SID & GP” is the only center of competence in the country in this sphere which over just a few years has formed the world-class team of inspectors, created the specialized training center and established cooperation with international organizations and leading manufacturers.
Our main purpose is to assist the implementation of the Good Practices at the pharmaceutical enterprises thus contributing to the growth of fair competition in the industry and to the provision of safe high-quality drugs to people living in Russia.
Dear colleagues, we are open for cooperation and are ready to provide comprehensive information and methodological support upon the issues of Good Practices implementation!
Joint development of the pharmaceutical industry and the increase in its efficiency and quality of manufactured drugs are important for each of us!